President’s 2015 Report to the University Senate

September 18, 2015

Members of the Rutgers Community:

As we approach our year-long celebration of our 250th anniversary, momentum is building across Rutgers—in the completion of new academic and residential facilities, in the ever-increasing academic profile of our students, in the expansion of endowed professorships, in the strength of our newly unified law school, and in the engagement of our universities with our host communities.

This afternoon I gave my State of the University address at the University Senate meeting, and I have posted the full report on my website.

In this annual progress report, consistent with past practice, I review the major activities in which we have engaged over the past academic year between July 2014 and July 2015. I welcome your feedback on this report, and I look forward to working with you in the months ahead as we continue to build a Rutgers that achieves its enormous potential as one of the nation’s finest research universities.


Bob Barchi